Meet the Core Team

Bank Compensation Group is made up of these key principals and consultants.

MICHAEL LAYNE | Consulting Principal

JOE HAYES | Actuary Principal, Director of Design and Analysis

CARL CARLSON | Consulting Principal

DANIEL WEBSTER | Regional Consultant

Meet the Support Team

Bank Compensation Group depends on these reliable third-party resources.

Combine Core Team Talent
with Support System Expertise

Banks choose BGC for its experience, credibility and good references. They know
core team members by name, and they know Bank Compensation Group is a com-
pany name they can trust. Because the firm operates under an open architecture
format, technical consulting, plan management and ongoing administration are all
independent of each other. This organizational approach gives banks the option of
choosing among third party resources and thus maintaining control over all their
transaction components.

Carl CarlSON

Consulting Principal

University of Houston

Houston, Texas | BS in Finance

                       During Carl’s 20-year                        career in banking, he                        founded both a de novo                        bank and a national bank-                        ing software company.                        This experience makes
                       him expert at understan-
                       ding and implementing
                       best practices, strategies
and products for benefit and compen-
sation plan designs. He helps owners
and executives set up personal financial plans for themselves as well as BOLI programs for their banks.

Carl Carlson